
Fun Facts About Nigeria

The elections are all that anyone seems to talk about these days. So, it is only right that we learn some interesting facts about Nigeria.

There are over 250 ethnic groups that live throughout Nigeria.

While English is the official language, there are over 500 indigenous languages in Nigeria.

Seven percent of the total languages spoken in the world are spoken in Nigeria.

Nigeria has a federal presidential republic government.

Nigerians must be at least 18 years old to vote.

Lagos is the most populous city in Nigeria.

Football is one of the country’s most popular sports. Its national team has won the Africa Cup of Nations a total of three times.

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa.

In terms of size, Nigeria is about double the size of the state of California.

In some Islamic marriages in Nigeria, once a woman is married, she may no longer see any of her male relatives again.

Like other African countries, the left hand is considered dirty by Nigerians. It is in poor taste to eat, shake hands, or pass or receive items with the left hand.

The country is the 7th largest democracy in the world.

Oil accounts for over 70% of the country’s exports.

The Niger River, which spans 2,600 miles, is the third largest river in West Africa.

Speaking of the Niger River, it was the inspiration behind Nigeria

Nigeria’s movie industry is known as “Nollywood” and it is one of the largest movie industry in the world.

The city of Abuja was built in the 1980s and eventually replaced Lagos as the capital.

I hope you’ve learned a thing or two about Nigeria.


Simple Etiquette

Etiquette is the code of correct behavior everyone in society abides by. Today we shall learn some simple rules of etiquette used in day to day life.

  • Always remember to show respect and kindness to everyone around you.
  • Use please, thank you, and excuse me every day.
  • Hold your silverware correctly, fork in the left hand and knife in the right.
  • Always chew with your mouth closed.
  • Learn to give a compliment to someone else.
  • You must always help someone in need, particularly if they are less able than you are.
  • Learn to introduce yourself and others properly. Never say, “My names are..”, but “My name is… “
  • Do not call an adult by their first name unless the adult instructs you to do so. Always respectfully add Mr, Mrs, Sir, Ma.
  • Always knock on a door before opening it.
  • Answer the phone politely.
  • Don’t point or stare, it’s rude
  • Always cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. I believe that the most important thing is that you respect everyone around you. A popular saying goes thus ‘Respect is reciprocal’ meaning if you give it out, it will be given to you. When you act with courtesy to people around you, they tend to return the same courtesy unconsciously. It never hurts to have good manners and I hope you practice these everywhere you go.


3 Ways to Manage Finance

A young lady auditioned for a reality show and got in. On the first day, she was asked,  “You have a good job, so why are you here?” she replied “I have a good job, but I’m broke and I need the money”. Her reply is the situation of things in many people’s lives today. Everyone wants a good job, but when you get there, you discover that a good job and a good salary will never give you enough money to do every single thing that you want to do.

Resources are never sufficient to satisfy all needs! This is something you learn as you go along in life. Human beings are insatiable. It might be pretty difficult to realize that now because you might be able to get enough from your parents to buy all of the latest Yeezy sneakers and designer clothes, get the latest play station and phones, and travel around the world frequently. However in a couple of years as soon as you are out of the university and have completed your N.Y.S.C. and you probably now have bills to pay, you will discover that money is never enough. No matter how much food you buy, it would eventually get finished or get spoilt; the latest clothes would always get outdated; and as you get richer you would discover that there is so much more you need to do that you need more resources to do. Sad, right?

So what can be done to ensure that you can get all you want and achieve all you want? Unfortunately no matter how much you increase the resources available to you, you would never get enough, so the best you can do is to MANAGE IT. Yes, that is the means to addressing the situation of scarce resources. In other to enjoy life, you must learn to manage all that comes into your hands. This is the only way to protect yourself from being broke and unable to achieve your dreams. So how do you manage your resources?

  • Priority list

You must create a priority list for yourself at every point in time. You might not see it as very important to you now, but what you give importance to will determine where you would be tomorrow. If you continue following all the latest fashion trends from Rihanna and Beyoncé instead of reading for your W.A.E.C., when it’s time for exam, you might have nothing to write, and this might lead to you not entering into the university. This also applies to the money you have. You must acknowledge what’s most important to you, your survival and progress and spend money on that first before directing money to other things

  • Keep Records

You might have a lot of uncles and aunties giving you a lot of money now, but sometimes you discover that all of a sudden the money is finished. Why does this always happen? It is not because money has legs to run away, but because there are always a lot of things to spend money on. So you must keep a record of what you spend money on. That way, you can know how your money went away when it is finished.

  • Compare your records with your priority list

Always check whether you have spent money on what is most important. If you don’t do this, there is a tendency that you would have wasted money that you could have enjoyed better

Money moves very quickly and we can never ever fully have enough, but we can ensure that we never let being broke prevent us from achieving all that we want to achieve. So take charge today, and prepare against tomorrow!


March Newsletter

It seems this year is running a sprint! Welcome to the month of March! An old favorite song says “what you have to do, do quick! ” Truly, there’s no time like the present to improve yourself.

We would love to hear from you concerning any of our posts so if you feel you have something to share, do go to our contact page and send a message across.

This third month, we’re wrapping up our series on Life skills. I hope you’ve enjoyed it! We’re talking about the benefits of financial management, gaining personal communication skills and brushing up on our etiquette. I hope you learn and practice. Don’t forget to contact us on our social media handles or through our email.

Have a great month!