
Faith Equals Possibility

Just like a building, any successful person today is founded upon a sure foundation. But because of the hidden nature of foundations, most young people seem not to appreciate the need to lay a solid foundation for a better future. Many times when a young person looks at a successful individual, they are mostly blown away by the glory and glamor that surrounds that individual.

One thing they fail to realize however is that for every outstanding and successful person you see today, there are foundations upon which they are standing. Therefore, our goal in this short article is to uncover one of such foundations. This is so that we can found our lives upon it and build successful lives that others can emulate as well. And that foundational value is faith.

What Is Faith?

Now what exactly is this thing called faith? In the most simple way;faith is believing in our tomorrowbeing better and greater even though we can’t see it physically yet. It is having a vision of a better tomorrow, which then empowers youwith the much neededinner strength to take little steps today that will ultimately take you the place called success. Foryou to have faith in your future without taking steps towards is equals to failure.

Why Is Faith Important?

Faith is an essential life value that cannot be ignored by anyone who desires to live a successful life on planet earth. Faith is not only a virtue; it is also an instrument for accomplishing the impossible in this world. It takes faith to surmount the various challenges and unfavorable circumstances that life will throw at us from time to time. Without faith success is absolutely impossible.

Faith Hall of Fame

All through history we have seen men and women achieving one success or the other because they believed in the possibility of what others thought was impossible. One of such success story is the Wright brothers who invented the airplane in 1907. They had faith that it was possible even when most people saw them as failures; because what they were saying seem impossible at the moment.


Therefore, I want to call on you my dear friend to have faith in yourself that you will become successful in your academics and life in general. Have faith in other people that they too will get better. Have faith in our nation that someday the true change we all seek will come. And above all have faith in God’s ability to help you where and when your own ability fails. Have faith my friend, because faith never fails!

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