
August Newsletter

Yeah! I’m so excited. Happy new month to all you wonderful students, this is indeed a dawn of a new beginning for us all. On behalf of B2sl team and my humble self; we want to take this time out to say a big congratulation to you all who just graduated. Some out of senior secondary school, some into senior secondary school and others that will be entering junior secondary, thumbs up to every one of you.

One may think ‘its holiday’ therefore no more book work, dear do not be deceived as no one ever graduates from the school of life. Learning is a continuous process and as a matter of fact the day you stop learning you start dying. The holiday is good no doubt and the importance of rest cannot be over emphasized nonetheless it is wise to seize  the  holiday period to learn something new, perhaps a new skill, read a new book, attempt and do holiday assignments.

Everyone must seek to add value to his or her life from time to time, I mean we do not expect you to resume the next session being the same way you were. What happens to surprising your friends? When you resume school, your teachers, school mates and friends should notice something new and different about you. I will like to quickly add this “do not move from one level to another passively but actively.

Finally, I won’t say bye without enjoining you to catch up with our exciting and educative articles on our blog; just a little expo, this month topic is on Money Matters/Financial Literacy, you may not get this ideas in school, tell a friend.

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