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“With hard work and effort, you can achieve anything”- Antoine Griezmann.

Working hard is a positive reinforcement to working smart. Hard work is the ability to take one’s work seriously by doing it well and rapidly. On the other hand, innovative work is prioritizing and planning your tasks for better results. For example, you could work hard trying to cut a tree with a blunt axe, however, it would be wise to sharpen the axe properly to make the job easier. It would help if you had a mixture of both hard and smart work to achieve success.

If you want to achieve your goals, you must brace yourself up for hard work and ensure to build yourself up by learning from others who have gone ahead of you. Then it would help if you had a plan of how you intend to achieve your goals. For instance, if you had three different subjects to study, you could break the study into one matter in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Finally, there are some soft skills that you need that will bolster your hard and smart work. 

One of the soft skills you need is integrity. Integrity is an essential skill for everyone who is working hard and smart to achieve their goals. Integrity makes every relationship and action built on trust. When you work with integrity, it helps add value to your goals and makes you valuable to those around you.

One of the ways to continue to work hard is to empower yourself. For example, you can read books and study how other people who have succeeded did so. Empowerment puts you in leadership. You can also see through your difficulties and keep pushing through regardless of your ups and downs. 

You need to nurture your goals and have faith in what you do. You also need to understand yourself and your potential and connect with those around you to succeed. Finally, you need to activate and sharpen your passion, protect and strengthen your passion and keep practicing reaching and sustaining your goals.

Let’s continue to work hard and smart to achieve our goals and make the world a better place.




Monsurat Kolawole is a secondary school student in Nigeria. She is dedicated to success in her academics and future career. She is a member of B2SL Success Hub.

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