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“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Our Project Director at B2SL INITIATIVE, Besidone Ebule, usually reminds us of the need to focus more on doing small things every day instead of speaking of big things daily.

Don’t get me wrong here. It’s okay to want to be called a person of excellence in doing great things. But the issue is that every student wants to become great by getting excellent academic and future careers. Amidst this kind of dream, most students ignore the small things they need to do daily.

Academic excellence does not just show up automatically on the big occasions like being the best in your class or studying your dream course someday. Academic excellence shows up in what you do with your time every day. You can tell what kind of result you will get academically by merely looking at what you spend your time daily.

Do a reality check today on your academics. You can do this by looking at your last term result. What did you score in the different subjects? If the scores didn’t improve compared to the previous term, it means you are not on track to academic excellence. Your result will show academic excellence when you continually improve on every subject on a termly basis.

The best way to predict a future of academic excellence on the big stage is by creating it. Whether your story will be one of academic excellence or not is dependent on whether you want to make it that way or not. You are the solution to your academic excellence. So, what are you creating, or what have you produced so far? Go ahead and create your own educational excellence story with the assistance that B2SL INITIATIVE offers to secondary school students across Nigeria.

The fact is that before any student can achieve academic excellence from term to term, that student must be a student that is doing small things in a significant way with the hope of achieving great things. When you do this, you demonstrate how you use your time daily.

I love to hear your story on the small things you are doing in a significant way in your academics daily via the comment section. I will also be looking forward to your questions on academic excellence.




Charles Adimah is an entrepreneur and the Project Manager of B2SL INITIATIVE, where he manages the vision. He is a great believer that a prosperous Nigeria is a product of successful Nigerians. You can reach him via email at[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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