
The Art of Making Friends

Who would have thought there was an art to making friends? For some people, it is a way of life. Their character and personality draws people to them, for others it’s a different story entirely.

I’ll give you a few tips on making friends.

The first tip is “Be open”. You can make friends at a lot of different places like your place of worship, your school or any other place you visit. When you meet new people, always start with a smile. It helps to soften your face and encourage people to speak to you.

The second tip is “Do not sit alone”! Yes, it’s nice to have a little time to yourself but sitting alone every time makes people think you’re closed off and not interested.

The third tip is “Talk”! Do not be afraid to start a pleasant conversation. Do so with a greeting and a compliment. Don’t be shy to ask questions or throw a few jokes into the conversation. There are an abundance of topics from the weather to politics, school and travel.

The last tip is “Introduce yourself”! Don’t forget to ask for the names of your acquaintances and if you’re comfortable with them, their social media handles or phone numbers.

Take note that while it’s great to make new friends, you should be careful of people who constantly talk down to you or speak badly about you. Such friends are not good for your self esteem and ultimately do more harm than good. Life is not a race and shouldn’t be all about competition. 

So while it’s nice to have friends that push you to be better, balance it out with those with whom you can be yourself. A true friend is loyal, trustworthy, reliable and always keeps in touch.

Lucius Seneca says that one of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood. Well, who needs enemies when you can have great friends! 


4 Steps to Handle Bullying

Bullying is repetitive aggressive behaviour towards another person. It can happen verbally, through throwing of insults or hurtful words, physically, by hurting a person or destroying his property. 

Let’s put aside the big words for a moment. Does anyone hurt or threaten to hurt you at school? Are you afraid to go to school because of a particular person? Is anyone spreading false rumors about you at school? Chances are you are being bullied. Bullying can start slowly and build up to physical violence or it can just remain verbal but no matter how it starts the fact remains that it eats at ones’ self esteem. It makes you question yourself and puts you in an impossible situation where you think you can’t win. 

There are a few ways to handle bullying.

The first step is to report the matter to the school authorities. Speak to a teacher you trust and explain what is happening.

The second step is to speak to your parents. When they know what is happening, they can support you. Knowing you have someone in your corner is important through these kinds of trying times.

Thirdly, always move with your friends. When a bully knows that you have people to stand up to him, he’ll usually avoid those scenarios.

Lastly, know that it is not your fault! Bullying happens as a result of that person’s insecurities and character flaws. Do not be afraid to speak up for yourself but try not to get into a fight.


December Newsletter

Hello guys! It’s great to be back. I want to welcome every person that just joined us. It’s great to have you here! Thank you for joining us and please register with us if you’ve not yet done so. We’re building great content on here and hope that you check us out often. If you have any questions or enquiry, just send a message across to any of the email addresses on the contact page.

Now, this month is all about Our Self esteem. On the blog are a couple of topics directly relating to this; Self esteem is your own evaluation of yourself. Basically, it is how you see yourself. If you listen to people who tell you that you can’t make it and you start believing them, you unconsciously begin to act like someone who can’t make it. Anytime you begin to feel low, pick yourself up and connect with great friends. Always avoid negative talk and take care of yourself.

When you have high self esteem, you become confident and can pass exams. Ultimately, you succeed in whatever you put your mind to because you KNOW you can do it and you work accordingly. Once again, I welcome everyone who just joined us and thanks to those who have stayed, we’re going to have a great time together!