
3 Ways to Manage Finance

A young lady auditioned for a reality show and got in. On the first day, she was asked,  “You have a good job, so why are you here?” she replied “I have a good job, but I’m broke and I need the money”. Her reply is the situation of things in many people’s lives today. Everyone wants a good job, but when you get there, you discover that a good job and a good salary will never give you enough money to do every single thing that you want to do.

Resources are never sufficient to satisfy all needs! This is something you learn as you go along in life. Human beings are insatiable. It might be pretty difficult to realize that now because you might be able to get enough from your parents to buy all of the latest Yeezy sneakers and designer clothes, get the latest play station and phones, and travel around the world frequently. However in a couple of years as soon as you are out of the university and have completed your N.Y.S.C. and you probably now have bills to pay, you will discover that money is never enough. No matter how much food you buy, it would eventually get finished or get spoilt; the latest clothes would always get outdated; and as you get richer you would discover that there is so much more you need to do that you need more resources to do. Sad, right?

So what can be done to ensure that you can get all you want and achieve all you want? Unfortunately no matter how much you increase the resources available to you, you would never get enough, so the best you can do is to MANAGE IT. Yes, that is the means to addressing the situation of scarce resources. In other to enjoy life, you must learn to manage all that comes into your hands. This is the only way to protect yourself from being broke and unable to achieve your dreams. So how do you manage your resources?

  • Priority list

You must create a priority list for yourself at every point in time. You might not see it as very important to you now, but what you give importance to will determine where you would be tomorrow. If you continue following all the latest fashion trends from Rihanna and Beyoncé instead of reading for your W.A.E.C., when it’s time for exam, you might have nothing to write, and this might lead to you not entering into the university. This also applies to the money you have. You must acknowledge what’s most important to you, your survival and progress and spend money on that first before directing money to other things

  • Keep Records

You might have a lot of uncles and aunties giving you a lot of money now, but sometimes you discover that all of a sudden the money is finished. Why does this always happen? It is not because money has legs to run away, but because there are always a lot of things to spend money on. So you must keep a record of what you spend money on. That way, you can know how your money went away when it is finished.

  • Compare your records with your priority list

Always check whether you have spent money on what is most important. If you don’t do this, there is a tendency that you would have wasted money that you could have enjoyed better

Money moves very quickly and we can never ever fully have enough, but we can ensure that we never let being broke prevent us from achieving all that we want to achieve. So take charge today, and prepare against tomorrow!


Fun Facts: How to Conduct Yourself Beautifully

Always call before paying a visit.

Put your phone down when having a conversation. If you are on your phone while someone is speaking to you, it shows how important a role this device plays in your life,and  how bored you are of what’s happening.

If you’re walking along with someone and your companion greets a person you don’t know, you should also greet them.

Your shoes should always be clean.

Avoid meaningless talk on the phone. If you need someone to talk to, it’s better to meet with them in person.

If someone offends you, you shouldn’t return the favor or raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Don’t sink to their level. Just smile and leave the ill-mannered company.

A man should never touch a woman without her permission. This means that it is unacceptable to: hold her hand, touch her during a conversation, and push her or take her hand above the elbow (unless a man is helping her to get into or out of a car, or cross the street).

If someone calls to you rudely, you shouldn’t answer. Be a model of good etiquette and polite social manners.

The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. If you can still smell your perfume in the evening, everyone else is already tired of it.

If you’re forgiven after you’ve apologized, don’t touch the offensive subject again just to say you’re sorry. You should try to avoid such mistakes in the future.

Avoid laughing and talking too loudly, as well as staring at people — it’s insulting.

Don’t forget to thank your loved ones, relatives, and friends. They help you not because they

Let’s respect each other!


The Art of Failing

This art of failing is not all about failing in your exams but at this stage, that’s a part of it. Have you asked yourself why you have three terms? It’s not only because there’s so much to learn, it’s also because it’s important to see your results, know where you didn’t do well, and get better at it. This is the art of failing, that everything might not work out the first time but that you are strong enough to get up and try to be better.

Take Thomas Edison for instance, his teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” And he was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” We also know that he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. Today not much is said about his thousand unsuccessful attempts but every time we touch a light switch, we remember that it was invented by him. When he was asked how it felt to fail, Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps”. This is the art of failing, that every time he failed, he recorded the steps he took so that he would not repeat the same mistakes.

There are a whole lot of successful men today who have failed and will continue to fail but every time they do, they know they have eliminated the way that will not work and will eventually find one that will. As a result of this, I advise you to try out different things. You need to experience life to be sure of what you have passion for. What do you do during your free time? If you love numbers, why not get a job helping your parents or extended family members balance accounts or keep records at their businesses. The trick is to gather as many mentors and resources as you can right now so that when you’re older, you would have tried a lot of things, failed at some too, enough to know what you are most happy and great at doing.


Basic First Aid

The first Four basic rules of First Aid are: The

Assess the scene

Evaluate the scene

Assess safety

Prioritize care


Also, Check for medical alert tags

Do head-to-toe check

Move only if necessary


If the victim is not Breathing-

Administer CPR:

Lay the person on his or her back

Give chest compressions

Tilt head slightly

Breathe into the person’s mouth

Continue until EMS personnel arrive


 If the victim is Bleeding-

Stop the flow of blood

Wear gloves

Cover the wound

Apply pressure

If a body part has been amputated, put it on ice


If the victim Faints

 Check for breathing

Administer CPR if necessary

Call emergency personnel if more than a few minutes

If conscious, lay the victim down with feet elevated


If the victim has epileptic seizures-

Remove victim from hazards

Check for breathing and nothing in the mouth

Keep comfortable.


 If the victim has a heart attack

Call emergency personnel

Make victim comfortable

Loosen tight clothing

Check for medication

Keep victim still

Don’t give stimulants


If the victim is choking

Ask the person to speak or cough

Deliver 5 back blows

Perform abdominal thrusts

Repeat sequence of back blows and abdominal thrusts

 If abdominal thrusts don’t work

Try a finger sweep of the throat

Call emergency personnel


Electrical Shock

Don’t touch!

Turn power off

Call emergency personnel

Remove person from live wire

Check for breathing


Heat Exhaustion

Move to cool place

Lay victim down

Elevate feet

Loosen clothing

Give fluids

Apply cool compresses



Fun facts about Nigeria

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the 8th most populous in the world with a population of more than 160 million people.

According to archaeological discoveries, Nigeria has one of the oldest civilizations in the world

The third Mainland Bridge in Lagos is the longest in Africa.

Nigeria is one of the largest producers of petroleum in the world.

Natural Facts

Breathing through your nose, you always inhale more air from one nostril than the other. Additionally, the nostril that gets the most air changes every so often.

 It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.

 A full head of human hair is strong enough to support 12 tons of weight – but definitely don’t test this theory at home

The woodpecker’s tongue folds around its brain when it’s at rest.

Crocodiles swallow stones to help them dive deeper.

Blue whales are the largest animals on the planet – and have been throughout history. They are twice the size of the largest dinosaur

In a large airplane, there is enough fuel to drive a car around the world – four times.

Culled from