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You can only build dedication by following proven universal success principles just as a house can only be built by following some laid down processes. You can’t become dedicated to your academic or career success by wishful thinking. You must be willing to pay the prize. Here are four principles that will guide you in building dedication.


1. Have a Strong Will

Your success in academics and life is mainly your responsibility. Being successful requires personal strong will. You have a strong will to succeed when you tell yourself in private or public that you must be successful. This provides the energy within you to stay dedicated. The reason many people fail is that they are not truly willing. You can build a strong will when you have a compelling reason to be successful. A compelling reason for success is making your family proud, making your country and the world at large a better place with the skills acquired through dedication.


2. Be Ready for Challenges

Having a strong will to succeed makes the difference between staying dedicated and quitting when faced with challenges. No one has ever done or will ever do anything meaningful without facing roadblocks. To be able to build dedication and stay on the path of success, you must be ready to keep moving forward in the face of challenges. People who complain or give excuses for not being dedicated, end up as failures. A person that is ready to confront challenges before they occur will stay dedicated to success when faced with challenges.


3. Don’t Fear Failure

People who succeed all through history don’t stop at one failure or ten thousand failures. They become dedicated to the point that failure or the fear of failure doesn’t stop them. For example, Thomas Edison who discovered the light bulb we all enjoy today failed 10,000 times before finally succeeding! Failure or the fear of failure should not decrease your level of dedication to success.


4. Be Influenced Positively

Everyone in the world is influenced by someone else. Successful people choose who influences them. You must choose to stay around people who are dedicated to success. You can’t hang around people who are not dedicated to success and expect to be successful someday. Let the stories of successful people and their level of dedication to what they achieved influence you.


Dedication is a virtue that you can build, and you can start building today by connecting with us at B2SL.

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Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a relationship, a business, or a hobby.”Neil Strauss

To be dedicated means to surrender all, to give your very best shot towards ensuring that goals are met and that dreams become reality. If you ask any successful person how they made it, their foremost reply would be that they were dedicated to their goals.

The etymological roots of the word “dedication” can be traced back to the Latin term “dedicare” which means the giving of oneself to some purpose. This implies that you must be consistently committed to your goals no matter how small or how big they are. It is important to note that the dividends of being dedicated to anything you set your mind to do far outweigh the cost of commitment.



when you are dedicated, you tend to work hard to achieve your goals. We can’t talk dedication without hard work. For instance, in this lockdown season, many professional games are on hold, but a dedicated sprinter will use the opportunity to train himself in preparation for the next good season. In the same way, a dedicated student would use this opportunity to read up and cover as much of a subject as possible.


When you are dedicated, you achieve your goals and that motivates you to be more dedicated. You will then find out that you can even exceed your targeted goals. For example, if you commit to reading 30 pages of your textbook daily, you will discover that you can read up to 40 or 50 pages within a short while. This will give you the confidence that you can exceed your goals.


Dedication is a sure way to success. Remember if you pay the price you will get the prize. Nothing in the world can hinder or impede the firm resolve of a dedicated individual. People like Thomas Edison, Mark Zuckerberg, Abraham Lincoln etc., were all dedicated people. Abraham Lincoln failed many times, but because he was dedicated, he eventually became the 16th president of the United States.


When you are dedicated, you become optimistic. You will find that you always see that the glass is half full rather than half empty. You begin to see possibilities rather than limitations. You may be trying to finish an assignment and have gone halfway. If you are dedicated, you will focus on the fulfillment you will get from completing the assignment rather than leaving it half done.

You can only be dedicated to something you believe in. The more dedicated you are the more hopeful you are that you will succeed. Why not pick on something you want to dedicate to today? I will be happy to hear from you.


3 Barriers to Dedication

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Dedication is a powerful tool that helps us to achieve our goals. Sometimes, our set goals may seem impossible to accomplish because of several factors. Yet, we are told that dedication determines our success. We must do everything to overcome the barriers to dedication so we can achieve our goals.

Some of the barriers to dedication are highlighted below;


When you lack belief in a cause or yourself, it means you don’t think it is possible for things to change or for you to be successful in what you are doing. This makes it hard for you to achieve your goals. Imagine if you were going to write an examination and you thought you were going to fail! You can bet that the motivation to study will not be found. However, if you believe in yourself, it becomes easier to be dedicated to study because you know that you can pass the exams. Belief in yourself gives you an assurance that you can succeed.




Passion is that strong desire that makes you want to succeed in anything you do. It is impossible to succeed without passion. When you lack passion, you cannot be dedicated to anything and the only thing you will see is the difficulty and impossibility of your goal. But when you are passionate, the desire to succeed will make you dedicated and provide the energy to overcome any obstacle on your way to success. Think about the times when you had to wake up early because you were excited about an upcoming trip or event.




Absence of the end from the beginning might end in frustration. It is difficult to be dedicated to a goal when there is no clear and definite path to follow. A plan helps you become dedicated to your goal. Say for example, you have decided to dedicate your time to develop yourself this month by reading a book. In order to be successful, you have to plan what days and what times you are going to be reading because you are aware that there is school work and chores at home that you have to complete. It will also be helpful for you to write this plan down. This makes it easier to follow.

I will encourage you to consciously choose to be dedicated to worthy goals such as developing yourself. 

Do you know of any other barriers? I will love to hear from you in the comments section.

To our success!

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Being responsible is a sign of how much value you have put on yourself. Being responsible means being dependable (people can depend on you), keeping promises and honoring your commitments. It is accepting the consequences for what you say and do. It also means taking control of developing your potentials. The four points below show what being responsible looks like.


People who are responsible don’t do hit or miss. They find a routine that works for them and stick to it. For instance, they don’t just study for three hours in a row and then give up on studying for 3 weeks, instead they spend three hours every day studying their books and get better at it.Consistency also means keeping your words and following through with commitments you make to yourself and others. When you are consistent, people can depend on you because they know you are going to do what you say.


People who are responsible don’t make excuses for their actions or blame others when things go wrong. They think things through and use good judgment before they act. They behave in ways that encourage others to trust them. They don’t make up excuses for why they failed a subject but get back on their feet and decide to do better next time.


People who are responsible take charge of their lives no matter what is happening around them. They make plans and set goals for nurturing their talents, skills and achieving success in academics. They don’t give up while working on their goals no matter the adversity. They make decisions that focus on achieving their goals daily.


People who are responsible always see themselves as positive change agents in their community and country. They decide to be part of the solution and not the problem. They believe that their actions go a long way in determining the kind of country that will be built in their lifetime. They also know that a country is only called successful when individuals take responsibility. So, they consistently take responsibility for their actions and ultimately become successful.


Take Responsibility of Your Future

Nature over nurture? That is the question. Do you believe you are where you are because of your parents’ influence or because of your own decisions? Take Joyce for instance, who grew up in the worst part of town. Having most of her childhood friends either die from avoidable diseases, killed in cult wars or amount to nothing, she beats the odds and becomes a successful member of the society in her chosen field. And Janet, who grew up in the best part of town, ate at the best places, graduated together with all her friends and can’t seem to succeed at anything over twenty years later. Were they born that way or did their parents nurture lead them to where they ended up?

I believe our parents play a grand role in what happens to us. They give us a cultural, religious and moral foundation. They pay our school fees and send us on trips according to their income. They do as much as they can for most of us, creating an enabling environment in the home for us to thrive. However, the major decision making starts with us. We should make the right choices in every step of our lives, bearing in mind that our parents can give us guidance when we stumble. We should display the right character and attitude to everything, whether someone is watching or not.

No matter the cards life deals us, our response to every situation makes the difference. Make the decision to do the right thing no matter your upbringing!